Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Let's Get Committed!

It's only been about six months since I wrote something. It's a problem of linear thinking. By that I mean I don't think in straight lines. So what ends up happening is that I start writing about one thing, end up shifting gears and end up somewhere not even remotely close to my original topic. Want to guess where I am headed today?

I want to talk about commitment and hard work. Those are two things I could use in my life. I'm rarely fully committed to anything and, most would say, I'm not really a very hard worker. What gets lost for me is all of the stuff to the left of the equals sign. What's the equation that gets you to commitment and hard work? What's missing in my life that I can't seem to maintain any commitment and hard work? What is missing that I can't seem to get any traction in anything I do in my life? It's like any simple math problem: in order to find the sum you need to know the factors and variable.

What I lack is a strong sense of purpose. I am constantly trying to figure out what my purpose is. My ego tells me it's to do great things, but my thoughts and actions don't seem live up to that. I dream of doing great things. I fantasize about living the grand life, but that seems to always be just out of reach. Without a sense of purpose I am adrift in a sea of "what if" and "what should". Without a sense of purpose I am stuck without any passion.

Ah, passion. That is the word that has hung over me for my entire life. I seem to be passionate about nothing. I wonder how much of this would change if I had some real passion for life. How different would things be if I had found some passion in something as a young man that I could have done and created an expertise that people would pay for. Instead of have floundered and struggled finding something, anything, that gets me hot. Something other than sex.

So I believe that I have put my finger on the equation. Passion + purpose = commitment and hard work. Today's job is to take one more step to finding my passion and my purpose. Something that I can do that gives me the incentive to commit. Something that makes me want to work hard. Something that I can do for the rest of my life and, maybe, with a little hard work and commitment, get really good at.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Welcome to my mind. I mean my blog. I mean my thoughts. This will be the home to my musings, opinions, ideas, and meanderings. Sometimes it will be a thoughts log. Sometimes a thought slog. Hopefully that will only be for the writer and not for the reader. This is the place that will give expression to the millions of things that swim around in my mind during the day. They have to go somewhere… right?

Most of the time I will be writing about life. Now you’re saying, boy what an all-encompassing subject that is! Could you narrow it down? Well aside from the occasional rant against my fellow drivers (turn signals are a big favorite of my ire), this will probably be filled with missives about Finance, Politics, Food, and Sports. Those seem to be the four areas about which I am the most passionate. Why not religion? My Dad always told me that you never talk about religion or politics in mixed company, and since I’m going to be bringing up politics I feel I should leave at least one of them alone. Dad was right about so many things he must be right about this one.

But can we really talk about politics in today’s America without touching on religion? Not really, so this is really just a convenient way of avoiding religion knowing full well that I will be bringing it up, especially as it pertains to politics. So get ready for a daily dose of well-researched (sort of), well-thought out (sometimes) and well-presented (I hope) writings straight from my heart.

Here we go. Now I just have to commit to doing it every day. God, what was I thinking? See religion already. Who was I kidding?